Why are the emotes so blurry
Why are the emotes so blurry
Picture quality is great. Can mute stream chat if I want. What more do you need?
Yeah.... very useful
I have a 35Mps connection at home and now streams keep stuttering even on lowest quality, which is not normal
Twitch is really great as I get to watch all of my favourite YouTubers stream!
This app is so lit
This app does everything right. Effective, intuitive, and Ive yet to see any breaking bugs. Good work.
I sit and watch my friend play titan fall 2 every day lol Ive unlocked the 100 hour achievement on the Xbox for watch live stream lol
I love this app
Easy to find your games, easy to use, great experience! Thanks guys!
Can watch streams and chat. Experiencing occasional audio desyncs and cant play past broadcasts.
I love this app
Just one thing to fix. Make the /me command visible without the : please
Twitch decides that ads can load just fine but after the ad the stream wont load! Are you kidding me!!
I love to play and watch CSGO and the only place for people like me to go is twitch! MLG is NOT user friendly at all! You cant search on MLG but Twitch is amazing!! I can find all my friends even if they have 0 followers I can still find their accounts! Easy to use and find smaller channels, also easy to boost your page and your YouTube channel. All in all, great app! Thanks guys!!
Twitch is awesome. Great way to watch live streams on the go, I can watch all my favourite games. Keep up the great work!
Ive installed everything, logged in to everything, and waited 2 days and my subscription based twitch emotes arent showing up for me..... other than that the app works great
I am trying to watch streamers and the pixels will paint the surroundings in games and will mess with the Audio FIX IT!!
I use this app everyday, all day!